Damnationland presents genre-defying original works from Maine filmmakers that redefine the classic thriller and horror categories. For over a decade, Damnationland programs have featured world premieres of short films produced in Maine by Mainers, exclusively for the Halloween season. These are dark, surreal, and fantastic pieces, and they offer film fans an excellent sampling of the talent producing independent film in Maine today.
Test your luck on Friday the 13th with Damnationland’s 13th anniversary lineup!
This year’s program features films by: Ant Wheeler, Erin Enberg, Taylor Hunter, Hannah Perry-Shepherd, Rebecca & Emily Myshrall, and Bodhi Ouellette, Ben Rooker & Sami Quirion. And interstitial films by: Mark J. Parker, Caulin Morrison, Josie Colt, Joanna Clarke, Lena Mozzhelina, and Alexandra Ulrich.